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Watch for FREE PRO TIPS on nonmonogamy and start exploring now!

Do You Ever Feel Trapped by Monogamy?

Beyond Strict Monogamy:
Learn How to Get Both Love & Freedom
in Your Romantic Relationships

The truth is…

Some People Simply
Aren’t Wired for Monogamy

But you can’t be truly happy unless your most important relationships are in line with your real (hardwired) needs and desires. So if you’ve been feeling unfulfilled…

Maybe it’s Time to Learn
About the OTHER Options!

With Dr. Zhana Vrangalova
Relationship Scientist, NYU Professor, PhD

Free On-Demand

Open Smarter Masterclass

Join me to learn…

  • Why it’s not your fault if you’ve been struggling to feel fulfilled in your monogamous relationships – no matter how hard you’ve tried in the past
  • How to identify (and ethically explore) your ideal relationship style based on your unique personality, core values, and specific life circumstances
  • How to deal with jealousy and insecurities so they don’t stand in the way of your exploration of nonmonogamy (or derail your new or existing relationships)
  • And proven methods for overcoming the stigma of nontraditional relationships, so that you can find fulfillment, love and belonging in an often judgmental world

…and MUCH more!

But first… who am I to teach you all of this?

Hello! I’m Dr. Zhana Vrangalova and I’m a NYC-based relationship scientist, speaker and consultant.

As a lifelong nonmonogamist, I’ve always felt an unmistakable urge to seek relationships that are in alignment with who I am and what I truly want.

But growing up with “unacceptable” desires in a conservative community… I had no guidance or role models to teach me about the healthy way to have nonmonogamous relationships.

So my 30-year obsession has been finding the answer to one simple question…

How can we live ‘outside the box’ and still stay safe, sane and loved?

I've been featured in...

Now, I’d like to share my personal AND professional insights from the last 30 years, so that you can…
  • Find your ideal relationship style
  • Gracefully navigate ANY future relationships (whether they’re completely open, strictly monogamous, or anywhere in between).

So if you’re ready to start exploring what might work for YOU and your unique circumstances

I can’t wait for you to join me LIVE!